Saturday, February 21, 2009

Savor it Saturday

We made the most of our last full day here with a baby shower for cousin Susan, hair cuts for the girls, and a fun trip to a great outdoor mall here in Gilbert.  The little girls were so cute together that I of course had to snap photos.

It's been a quick weekend, but we've had lots of playtime for all.  I got to sneak some ice cream with my friend, Georgia, on Friday night, and then today I met one of my favorite authors, Heather Madder, at my cousin's baby shower.  Heather wrote a book titled, Walking on The Ceiling.  It was such a fabulously insightful and meaningful book that I have recommended it to everyone I know.  It was all I could do to remember not to go all fan-girly on her!  She was so fun to talk to, and I could just feel wisdom and peace in her countenance.  Tomorrow we're off for home!  


Michelle Blair said...

Looks like lots of fun. Especially the dinner. I'm sad I missed it. We'll have to plan another trip soon!

Kathy Habel said...

I'll add that book to my to read list!