Monday, August 23, 2010

In The Mail This Week...

There is a new blog that I follow called, Dreamland. The author is a very talented artist, seamstress, scrabooker and more (check out her Etsy shop Lettergirl). I was drawn to her beautiful printing/handwriting which is something that I enjoy doing myself. Over the summer she began to write favorite quotes on fun paper and post them on her blog, and she invited readers to share their favorites. After some sharing of my favorite quotes and a few emails back and forth, I received this in the mail this week...

What a perfect quote. I was one day into The South Beach diet, and the timing was so perfect. I so often waste time dreaming about the great life I'd like to have, and much too often, weeks and months go by. I have many times thought, "If I'd started months ago, I could have done...".

I promptly framed the quote and it sits on my bookshelf among my favorite literary works. Thanks so much Gina!

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