Saturday, December 18, 2010

And a little child shall...smack them upside the head!

Yes, I know the scripture says, "...and a little child shall lead them." I don't know why, but when my little children show me the way, it feels more like a reality smackin'. Does this ever happen to you?

Tonight, after being up too late (all), being tired from doing so much today (all), and being grumpy while getting beds ready and finding shoes, dirty clothes, toys, etc. out where they didn't belong (me), I managed to get the kiddos tucked. Heather said to me, "Mom, when you go back out to the kitchen look at the note." So I did and followed directions.

What this little moment taught me tonight is that my girl was looking for the Spirit in our home, and since mom wasn't providing, she found a way to connect to some peace. By setting up this little display for me, she lovingly and innocently knocked me off my grumpy rear and provided me with my own moment of peace and reflection. Thank you Heather. For being only eleven years old, you are one smart cookie.

1 comment:

Michelle Blair said...

Oh my goodness. How sweet. That just shows what a good job you guys are doing teaching her.