Monday, September 19, 2011

Things That Bug

Currently, there are some minor things out there that are striking the annoying string on my little happy harp. These things were on my mind, and I thought I'd record them. No offense whatsoever is meant to anyone who does not see an issue with any of these topics. It will most likely be entertaining for my grandchildren to read what their grandmother was waxing neurotic about back in 2011. How old fashioned they'll think their old granny was.

1. The name or discussion of Christ being taboo. Two of my friends have children in lead roles in a high school drama production that consists of a montage of romantic/love scenes from various stage plays. One of the scenes cast involves two high school boys in a gay relationship. Whether you think this is great or not, it's raising flags for me about the range of topics that are publicly acceptable to introduce to our children in a public forum. Go with me here for a minute...For years public education has included many, many diverse celebrations and topics -- Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Las Posadas, the belief in Santa Claus around the world, Leprechauns, the Easter Bunny, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Presidents' holidays, Flag Day, Cinco de Mayo (not even a holiday in Mexico!), Muslim and Islamic traditions, and the inclusion of all types of families (which will now include gay couples). The text books still site chimpanzees as our "ancestors". Nowhere, absolutely no where (except in a portion of the 7th grade social studies textbook which is the last chapter and consequently dropped if the school year ends before they get to it), or on any planet do we teach our kids about Christ. It's simply not allowed. Those who believe in Christ and lead Christ-centered lives are being left out of the instruction. Believe what you will, but lemme tell ya something...our neglect of the topic of Christianity isn't making the world a better place people.

2. The new hot chocolate packets with "a cup of coffee's worth of caffeine" in them. If I wanted my warm beverage to have caffeine in it, I'd have a cup of coffee. Leave my hot chocolate alone! Enough said.

3. Teens and children with cell phones. I get that they need a cell phone, which replaces the dime or quarter their parent's and grandparents used to never leave home without, and I'm not knocking that. But is anyone else nervous about the fact that the cell phone, complete with data package that links directly to Facebook, internet and email, is resembling, on some kids, a physical extension of the thumbs and seems to monopolize said young person's attention when they are somewhere they could actually being enjoying family, friends or activities? It makes me sad, but there isn't much we can do to stop the tide except to beware for ourselves and our kids.


Michelle Blair said...

I totally understand about teaching with Christ. The world is getting worse. That's why it is okay for a female born person to be a male on Dancing With The Stars. Everything is acceptable today.

I haven't seen these hot chocolate packets yet.

I think it is sad how teens communicate with phones and not face to face. This will affect the future.

Love ya!

ps. Bad drivers really bug me :)

Jenny said...

I agree!!