Friday, September 21, 2012

Walking, Lunch and Sunset

Friday started out with a walk on the beach.  Shea and I took a power walk from Beach Blvd to the end of the pier and back.  It was a beautiful morning, and it was fun to see all the set up for the Pro Beach Volleyball tournament taking place this weekend.

After the walk, I met Michelle and Sheryl for an extended birthday brunch.  I love spending time with my friends, and it was a treat to do so in small chunks today.  It affords one the opportunity to really connect during small gatherings.  I don't know why I didn't have the waitress take a picture, but I do have a snapshot of the book Sheryl gave me.  I was so in the mood for a new book to get lost in, and I really like this author.

After school, we weren't doing too much.  Kelly was off on a scout outing.  Heather had been home with a stomach ache for three days, and she fell asleep around dinner time.  I was restless, and Jenna and I tried playing a video game together (I am not a video game person--they make me nervous).  She told me I was doing better than Daddy (ha, ha), but I was so restless while sitting there (I blame caffiene) that we stopped and grabbed Winston to go for a walk.  We walked over to the Holbrook's stopping on the water tower to look at the beautiful sunset.  Michelle and Sarah happened to be outside, and we stopped to visit for a bit.  We stayed so long that Michelle drove us home!  It was really a fun day.

1 comment:

Michelle Blair said...

Love that book! Did Winston make it? :)