Saturday, November 10, 2012


Kelly has been taking Heather over to the hand ball courts at our old school to practice some hitting for volleyball.  He motivated her by allowing her to serve at him to try to hit him.  It was working pretty well.  Heather is on again, off again, when it comes to her skills.  We've seen her focus and do really well, and we've seen her foggy and not caring.  It's hard to instill a sense of competitiveness and drive in a child when it's not naturally there.  It will be interesting to see how her volleyball career progresses.

I was doing some errands and stopped by to see how they were doing.  We had a family game of Four Square, and we had a great time together laughing and teasing.  When we had to go, both girls were crying out for more.  This tells me we better be making some playtime with them while they want it.  I didn't know it meant that much, but I do remember my dad and mom playing games with us once-in-a-while, and I remember how I loved that.  We're putting some 'play dates' on the calendar.

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