What do you do with an 11-year-old that has never had a single desire to be a princess, but who is invited to a castle to attend a princess banquet? You play up the warrior side of the deal and suggest she take a bow strapped to her back. Thanks to her friend, she did decide to wear the renaissance dress we had and take her bow. With a tuck to the back for a form fitting look and a trusty bow, this girl donned some curly hair and went to the castle.
The event was our annual Stake Activity Days event, and it is Jenna's last big event for Primary. Heather and some teen girls were asked to be Ladies in Waiting, and just so we're clear, Heather doesn't do the princess thing either. To top it off, she got a PINK dress to wear from the costume department. Heather was a good sport though, and she really looked beautiful and sparkly all dressed up and helpful.
If you are familiar with our Stake productions, you'll appreciate that the counselor over this activity has been the director of our shows since we moved here in the late 90's. The Primary President is our former prop master for the shows, so as you view the transformation of the church building above, you'll see the magic handiwork of these two ladies. The larger hall was set up for classes with a chandelier in the center, and the overflow area served as the banquet hall complete with electric candles.

You may also recognize a few of these princesses from our shows. The ladies were on hand for photos and a performance of, "Walk Tall, You're A Daughter of God." The fairy godmothers gave presentations with titles like, "Remember Who You Are," and "Every Girl Is A Princess." The activites for the girls included journal making (The Princess Diaries), a game where the girls received jewelry, and a quilting project demonstrating the compassion and caring that princesses are famous for. The girls survived, and I think they had some fun even though they won't readily admit it. Heather did tell me the classes/presentations were great. I knew they would be. It was a very well-thought out and prepared activity. Good job ladies!