Sunday, May 28, 2017

Welcoming a New Pup - May

On May 6, 2017 we drove back to San Luis Obispo to pick up our new puppy. Sariah's dad had a new litter with a different momma. The breeder offered to let us choose a pup once other paying customers had chosen. We had our eye on a pup named Nala, but we had to be patient and see what the other owners did. Nala turned out to be one of four pups who had something called "parrot mouth" which is a slight over bite. The breeder could not sell her for top dollar so, she became available. We didn't care that our pup wouldn't be "show" perfect. We wanted one who was smart and sweet like Sariah. It turns out Nala was very much like Sariah and without even knowing which pup she was, we picked her out of the litter the same way we did Sariah. She wanted to cuddle and stay with us, would venture out, but would then come back. When we found out it was Nala, we were set. Kelly was with us this time, and it was nice to have him there to give his opinion. It was a true family decision.

We have named her Scarlet. The name took us several weeks to come up with because we needed to agree, and we couldn't agree. We tried Nala for a while, but we wanted an S name. Scarlet seemed to be a good fit because we didn't know a human Scarlet, it could be a dog's name and it started with an S.

She is a sweet pup. She licks a ton and her little tail wags faster almost as if apart from her body. She want's to snuggle up or sleep at our feet. She has met our friends and even found our bed. She's getting to know the lay of the land, and although she is a little needier and cuddlier than Sariah, we seem to really enjoy that. Our hearts are healing.

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