Thursday, December 18, 2008

Choosing to Experience Joy

It's been a really hectic two weeks for me.  I have been away from home seven nights of the last fourteen.  Last night, I was on my way out to another meeting and really stressing about being prepared for the next day's events, all the dishes that still needed to be washed by hand (broken dishwasher), the homework that needed attention, the clutter that was taking over in the house I had worked so hard to put in order last week...Anyway, Jenna walks out, while I'm getting things ready, in a lovely ensemble that she chose from my closet.  I thought, "My mom would have had a fit if I'd done that" and then I thought, "I should have a fit because it's going to create such a mess."  I was really quiet, and my husband looked at me and asked if I was okay with this.  I had to confess that in a house where the little girls dress up in pirate costumes and have Star Wars themed birthday parties and have hardly ever touched a Barbie, I was actually diggin' that my little girl thought that her mom was cool enough to emulate.  Then I got out my camera.  My clothes are still in a pile in my bedroom waiting to be hung up, but I was proud to have seized the joy in the moment.  It's a great feeling!


Britten said...

Your day/week sounds a lot like mine! Hang in there, hon.

Your tree looks fabulous!

Your kids are darling and beautiful just like you.

I finally found your blog addy and put you on my blog roll! Yay!

Happy Holidays!

Michelle Blair said...

Jenna is so cute. Sometimes you just have to stop and take a breather. Your decorations look fabulous. Can't believe there are only 6 more days to go!

Kathy Habel said...

Yeah for chosing to find the joy! You are the inspiration now!