Sunday, March 22, 2009


Thursday was our elementary school's Jog-A-Thon fundraiser.  I know, it's Sunday, and I'm just now posting.  Thursday evening was our concert rehearsal, Friday was busy with Jenna home with fever and preparations for company, and Saturday was our dress rehearsal and concert.  I say better late than never!  

Jenna ran 43 laps and came in 2nd for the girls in her class.

Heather ran 38 laps compared to her 33 last year.  She wasn't close to the girl who won with 40 laps, but she was happy to have improved her number of laps.

Both sisters have won this jog before, Heather in First grade, and Jenna in Kindergarten.  They both would like to have won this time also, but we talked it through and they knew they did well.  Since it was early release day, I let them choose what they wanted for lunch.  We went to Subway for Heather and picked up a Lunchables for Jenna.  Both girls were very happy with that!


Michelle Blair said...

Good for them. That looks like so much fun. I wish our school did something like that.

~yoga~ said...


Way to go girls!
43 laps? 38?
(that would probably kill me)

Melissa, you have an amazing family.
Kudos to you. You are a great Mom.