Monday, April 13, 2009

Maintain it Monday

Ha, ha.  Just kidding.  More like MAYHEM Monday.  Our house is in serious need of a cleaning, but with all of us down and out last week and the Easter clutter on top, it was too much for one day.  I focused all my energy today on getting all my exercise points for the day and eating healthy.  I got side tracked posting this morning, so all my photos got cataloged in my computer while I was in my office.  That was one of those jobs that needs a few minutes (or an hour) or it gets backed up.  

So what am I saying?  There were some great things that happened today even though I should have been doing other stuff.  Did I just say "should"?  Shame on me.  Could have been doing other stuff.  It's all about choices.  Sometimes your choices all happen to be really good things.


Kathy Habel said...

Great job getting your exercise in! We've got an activity day's hike today so I'm counting that.

~yoga~ said...

Way to go!!!
Get that exercise in cutie...and keep up the great work!