Friday, December 18, 2009

Holiday Fun At School

Thursday - Heather's 5th grade class made candy trains. This is one of the traditions her teacher has done for years. The kids bring some supplies and the teacher provides all the frosting and some of the embellishments.

Heather was very proud of her design. The trains were standard, but her fence and the sprinkles on everything were her own embellishments. All the kids wanted to borrow her sprinkles!

Jenna's second grade class made glittery pine cones and did fun holiday worksheets.

They also got a ticket for Friday to watch The Polar Express.

It has been hard this year to be in two places at once, but I hope Jenna feels my presence. I don't know why, but the older child gets a lot of me. I think it's because their parties need more help, but it's also because we have a ton of moms in second grade that help out. I don't know, but I'm doing my best to give both girls my time.

After school, Grace had the monkey gang over for pizza, cookie baking and all around silly play. Thank you Sheryl!

Friday - 5:00 a.m. Momma Peterson is up and showering. The girls were jostled out of bed at 5:30 a.m. to dress. Jenna had pajama day which was very convenient. We arrived at 6:15 a.m. to help set up for a second of Mrs. Haukness' traditions, a holiday breakfast for the kids. Heather and Cammy were playing handball at 6:30 a.m. while we were inside setting up.

The room was decorated with table cloths in a restaurant style. The menu consisted of pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, apple juice, orange juice, hot chocolate w/ candy canes and whipped cream, and some coffee for the grown ups. Very nice!

The kids had a blast.


Kathy Habel said...

You are such a wonderful mother. I feel that way too sometimes. My poor 2nd graded gets lost in the shuffle sometimes.

Michelle Blair said...

That looks like so much fun and a lot of work. You are great!