Jenna was baptized today! It was such a beautiful day, and we could tell that Jenna was feeling the special nature of the day.
We arrived at the building early. Gavin was a great support to Jenna. He even helped Heather practice for her special music.

Heather played "I Am A Child of God" for the special music in the program. It was a more complicated arrangement and although she struggled all through her practices, she didn't make one mistake. It was really beautiful.

Jenna's Daddy baptized and confirmed her. They were both digging the stylish jumpsuits.

We had many guests at the baptism...
Aunt Michelle and Gavin

Mrs. Mosher

Rachel Reynolds

The Holbrook Family

Brother and Sister Snow

The Cloward Family

Sabrina, Emihlie and Sophie Wells, and Sister Busby

Sister Stewart, Jenna's Primary teacher

The Haynie Family

Brother and Sister Neubert, Kim Harvey, Olga Schaap and Bishop and Paige Waldron attended also, but we didn't get a snapshot of them.
And finally, Grandpa Ron (pictured later in the day)

The Haynies, Clowards and Holbrooks joined us afterward for some treats at our house.

Later in the evening I went looking for Jenna and found her in her bedroom with her new scriptures and her new journal. I think she was really excited to receive these special gifts and to start reading her scriptures. Very cute.