Saturday, February 27, 2010

Wisdom for Myself

"It is more easy to be wise for others than for ourselves."

~Francois Duc de La Rochefoucauld

The truth of this statement is starting to sink in. Time to take the advice I would give to another and focus it in my own direction.

Weight loss
Time management

I can use a little introspection and self-discipline. Wish me luck!


Kathy Busby said...

I'm right in there with you!! Maybe we could start a club or some kind of accountability check in system. I know all the tricks and correct ways to handle all of these... I guess I should just focus on discipline. Good luck to both of us as we strive for theat balance that we crave.

Sheryl Mosher said...

I'm with you, sister! :) xoxo

Michelle Blair said...

Are you trying to get in the groove. I'm starting again Monday. I feel even yuckier when I'm not eating right and exercising. At least I can control one aspect of my life. You can do it! Love ya!