The first week of March has brought with it some weird, weird weather. When I taught first grade we used to do a weather unit in March where we did an art project with the saying, "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb." We explained that the old saying meant some crazy weather in the beginning of the month, which we usually attributed to rain or wind. This year we got SNOW! After a day of some chilly, rainy weather, my friend Kim was on the pier the morning that the hail and freezing rain was so extreme that it appeared to be snow blanketing our beach right here in Southern California! And to continue the lion-like fierceness, with in a day or two, we were experiencing a heat wave the likes that we got out the swimming pool months in advance. How much for extreme can we get? We will have to keep guessing and make sure we keep all the wardrobe options available for use!

We also said goodbye to our Element this month. This has been an awesome, super reliable car since the spring of 2003 when we drove it home. With nearly 200,000 miles on it, it has seen beaches and mountains and everywhere in-between. It has been Kelly's low-mileage commuter car all these years which is why the mileage is so high. It's hardly been in for an oil change. It has truly been a dream. After we sold the Kia, I used this as my vehicle instead of buying another new car. We were going to turn it over to Heather in a couple of months, and decided to see about repairing a few things to make sure it was up to safety standards for her to be driving it. The cost of repairs were going to be well over $3,000, much more than the car was worth. We decided to sell it and got a pretty good deal with CarMax. It will most likely be used for parts as they don't make this car anymore. We'll be looking into another car, but we're grateful to have the truck for me to use in the meantime.

And finally, it's track season. Heather is getting back in the groove. She will concentrate on 300 Hurdles and the 100 Hurdles this year. She is pretty happy about that and likes the hurdles. Not so much the 100H, but she'll practice. The 300H is a pretty tough race, and she's showing some potential. The fact that she likes it is even better. We'll see how she does!