Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Disneyland at Christmas #1

Grandpa's pass expires this month, and he has opted not to renew.  We're not getting to Disneyland as often as we used to when he would visit.  The girls have more homework, piano, sports and other activities that seem to prevent us from dropping everything to run over to the park.  We decided to get to Disneyland at least once with Grandpa this month to enjoy the Christmas merriment and our time with him.  We cleared the schedule and made it happen.  We love Disneyland at Christmas!

While Dad and I watched the fireworks and snowfall on Main Street, the girls opted to ride Splash Mountain.  As I stood and listened to the music and watched the snow fall, tears slipped down my face.  I was keenly aware of how fast the time has gone, how it was just a couple of years ago that we watched as a family with little girls in our arms snuggling up to our cheeks.  Oh how I miss those days! I know we'll never have those same experience again, but I am happy to have these little epiphanies now while I can still hug and love them.  These children and our time with them is so precious! 

We got some pictures by the tree which was fun.  There were some eye rolls and sigh (except from my Dad who appreciates me, hee-hee), but I don't care.  We're never getting this time back, and I'm taking full advantage!

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