Tuesday, December 13, 2011

1st Trimester Grades...Cha-Ching

The girls brought home their report cards today. A few weeks ago, I confidently declared that we would give any kiddo with straight A's twenty bucks. Heather doesn't usually have the pleasure of seeing A's on her report cards, but she was doing well. Jenna started with grades for the first time in 3rd grade last year and did not get straight A's. I figured we were safe.


I took out Jenna's report card, and we looked at it together. I was shocked that she has straight A's. Not shocked because she's not capable, but shocked because she hasn't really ever been that close to all A's before. At this point she reminded me that I owed her twenty bucks (I had forgotten). As I was trying to figure out how to work this with one girl getting straight A's and the other not, I realized that Heather had five A's and one B. The B is in Pre-Algebra and is a solid B. Heather getting a B in math is equal to an A, so I declared that Heather had straight A's in my book. She was really thrilled, and both girls squealed down the hallway when I handed them each a $20 to go put in their piggy banks.

Judge me not. We are not all about grades in our house because focusing on grades would have crushed Heather. She works so hard to do her best that I could never bring myself to give incentives for grades. But since Heather's sportin' the A's now, a little celebration was in order. I actually never saw our family doing this. Ever. It's way fun and we're very happy to see our girls realizing that they both did this on their own. If the self-motivation stays, we may need start saving up!