Friday, December 9, 2011

Closing Moiola

After several months of worry, writing letters, discussion and waiting, we were present to witness the Fountain Valley School Board's unanimous vote to close Fred Moiola School. We knew it would happen, but many held out hope that the Board would see reason and realize that closing a school to mend a budget crisis was not the way to go. We believe that they were in such a pickle that there was nothing else to do. Unfortunately, it will not fix the problem.

During times like these, I wonder if the public really has any voice? If we were louder, nastier, more aggressive would it had made a difference? During school board meetings, we have the opportunity to speak, but there is no dialogue. We can write letters, but the board members are not required to respond. How do we know if we're heard? I would like to think that there is some democratic process here, but I think that ends after we cast our vote for the school board members. Our vote seems to say, "Here is the position. We'll watch and hope you do something remotely similar to what we'd like you to do."

One of the things I have learned through this process is that educators do not make the best business leaders. I am an educator and have voted many times for educators to be on the school board thinking they would be the most sensitive to educational needs. In reality, however, running a district is like running a business. Yes, there are decisions regarding children, teachers and education in general, but the money is what is going to take precedence over all other decisions, and if the money isn't being handled well, nothing else is going to go well. When elections come around next year, I believe that we may need to elect some business leaders who understand how to run a business and manage money. When the money is there, the support for students and teachers is there. Two school board positions will be opening up in 2012, and we need some change. Those in the business sector will have my attention.

My friend, Alex, posted something on my facebook page which made me feel a little better about the energy I invested in the cause:

"If you did nothing else, Melissa, you have opened a lot of people's eyes to how unaccountable to parents and public opinion the school board is, and that can only be a good thing in the future. I hope more people question the decisions they make. Because of the work you've done, it will be harder for them to get away with it next time."

I hope she's right.

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