Monday, July 28, 2014

Sariah at Ten Months

What a difference in our puppy's size from last fall!  We took a picture and put it side-by-side with the picture the breeder sent us just to see how much Sariah has grown.  We have already made many memories with our new family member - a Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, Easter and all the other holidays in between, plus family visits in our home, multiple trail and hiking experiences and a campout in Yosemite.  She has been such a fun addition.  With her nearly grown up size, it's funny to see how and where she sleeps.  One evening I wasn't finding her in her usual place and called for her. When she didn't respond I went looking and found her on our bed all curled up and asleep.  We don't have her on our bed anymore like we did when she was smaller, but she saw the opportunity and took it.  You can also find her in various sleeping positions in, or out, of her bed.  She fits in the bed, but generally likes to stretch out with just a part of her body touching the pillow or bed area.  It looks uncomfortable to us, but she's perfectly happy.  When it's been super hot, she finds a way to stretch her head to the cooler kitchen tile.  Smart pup!

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