Monday, March 23, 2015

Orange Tree and Growing Things

Our orange tree sits all year long at the back corner of our yard. We hardly notice it until Christmas time rolls around. At that time we look to the tree to provide an orange for the bottom of each stocking, and we see how fat and full of beautiful, juicy oranges the tree has become. We pluck our stocking oranges for Santa, and then the tree is forgotten for a month or more until the first orange falls on it's own. That's the time we know the fruit is the ripest and the harvest begins. We pick all the oranges and bring them in for juicing. And what beautiful, fresh juice these orange yield! I snapped a picture of these two carafes full because it struck me this particular morning that we are very fortunate to have this tree. It reminded me that we need to plant our vegetable garden again this summer and harvest our own vegetables. The things we grow in our backyard seem to be the yummiest. Maybe we're too used to processed foods and store bought items and that's why the bounty from the backyard is such a treat. Whatever the reason, I'm craving some more home grown items. They are the best!

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