Thursday, October 6, 2011

An Apple Family In Mourning

As most of the world knows, Steve Jobs, creator of Apple and most of the technology that lives in our house, died yesterday. We are finding ourselves a bit melancholy. We did not know him personally, but our lives have been affected by him. When I met Kelly 25 years ago, he owned a Macintosh computer. I hadn't ever heard of one, but when we married, I became a Mac/Apple gal, and I still am one. We're not only an Apple family, but a Pixar family too. Toy Story, one of our family favorites, was made possible because of Steve Jobs' vision.

This video link is to Steve Jobs' speech for the graduating class of Stanford University, 2005. It's about 15 minutes long, but I watched the whole thing and was kind of glad I did. It was really interesting to know some details about him that I didn't know like, for example, a calligraphy class he randomly took at college being the reason why computers have beautiful fonts. I also really, really love that he shared that we may not know why things are happening in our lives, but that one day we'll be able to look back and connect the dots. Being fired from Apple years ago, he says, was one of the best things that had happened to him. Of course he can only say that looking back. If you have a moment, it's worth a listen.

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