Wednesday, August 28, 2013


I'm not ready! I'm not ready!  Somebody slow down time already!  Ready or not, here it comes...from her first day in Kindergarten to her first day of High School...

Those first pictures, I swear, were just taken a couple of years ago.  But here we are, the first day of High School and a new adventure.  Heather is a strong and confident young woman, and although school is not her favorite, she is ready for the challenge.  We are excited for her and can't wait to watch what she accomplishes these next few years (which I hear will go by way too fast also).

We met Heather's good friend, Penelope, and her parents at the street adjacent to the school so the girls could walk over together (and the parents didn't have to deal with the parking).  Penelope's dad had a nice camera and actually followed them all the way down the street documenting their walk to school.  I love that because I was too chicken to do it.

These girls are off to conquer the world!

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