Wednesday, February 5, 2014

First Mutual Night & Bishopric Stash

It was Jenna's very first time at Mutual tonight, and she had a great time with the Beehives!  They decorated heart shaped cookies and had fun delivering them to the new girls coming in.  Jenna was already there, but since she is technically new, she got to bring a plate home as well.  She was a little worried about going for the first time, but she knew the girls and felt at home right away.  I walked by and caught this cute smile, so I knew she was feeling comfy in her new surroundings.

The Mia Maids went to Target to grab supplies for the Bishopric Stash we were putting together.  Those men spend loooong hours each Sunday in meetings serving the members of our ward, and since each of the men have a daughter (and/or wife) in the Mia Maid class, we are keenly aware of how long they sometimes go without food or rest on Sunday.  The girls picked out their own dad's favorite snack bar and treats, and we returned to the church to package the goods.  When we were done, we wrote thank you notes and walked everything over to the Bishop's office.  Bishop and Brother Peterson were there to receive the goods, and they couldn't get over all the yummies.  We hear that the stash is already being used, and we know they'll remember that the girls put the stash together with lots of love every time they use it.

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