Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Meaningful Youth Activity

One of the most meaningful Young Women activities happened this evening. With the focus of gratitude, we showed the girls a video interview from years ago of a high school senior who had been born with no arms. The story explained how she had adapted to everyday life with not having arms. Because she was born without them, she never missed them. She had been determined since she was young to do anything and everything she wanted. She was even a cheerleader! The girls watched her do things with her feet such as pull a bowl from a cupboard and pour cereal and milk for herself, eat dinner with a fork, do homework and classwork, put make up on and even put in contacts! After the video, we had some stations set up for the girls so they could experience what it would be like to have no arms. We had them eat brownie bites with a fork, pour cereal in a bowl, write on a white board and then write on a table top.  We had a block tower for them to build and we played a game of catch with our feet. I'm not sure how meaningful it was for the young women, but I will never forget the experience of learning about this girl and how she overcame the challenge she was born with. Oh, and her boyfriend that took her to the senior prom was the cutest!

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