Tuesday, September 6, 2011


They are on! We have a brace-face in the house! She was a great patient, and they went on in 45 minutes or so. Heather spent the rest of the day trying out words that now sound different with her knew "whistle", and she also made faces most of the day which I interpreted as her working to try and fit her lips around the new bulk comfortably. She looks adorable, and so far, the braces are less painful than the spacers were (at least for the first 24 hours). I am considering employment at Jamba Juice since it will fulfill both the need for income and the discount on smoothies as these have become the new and necessary lunch of choice. The most fun was shining a flashlight on her teeth at bedtime and then turning out the lights to view her glow-in-the-dark brackets. She was a complete Cheshire Cat! If you're going to have a mouth full of metal for two years, you might as well be able to glow in the dark, right?

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