Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Last Day of Elementary School

 First day of Kindergarten

 Last day of 5th grade

Our youngest had her last day of elementary school today.  It took me by surprise because we didn't have this experience with Heather.  She had continued on to 6th grade at Moiola, a K-8.  It was a little surreal to stop and take a moment to appreciate the end of this season for Jenna.  After attending Heather's graduation, I picked Jenna up a few minutes early.  Her classes were out playing field games, but she wasn't feeling great and was happy to go home.  We said good-bye to her wonderful teacher, gathered her things, and walked away.  

Jenna is excited about sixth grade, about following in her sister's footsteps at Fulton, and about being reunited with the big group of friends who were on the other side of the new boundary lines.  But first, we'll take some time to soak in the summer!

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