Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Birthday Time for Melissa

I love birthdays. I love my own birthday. Not so much because of the presents, but because it's the best time to celebrate with friends and bask in the blessing of being alive, healthy and graced with such special people in my life.  This week I  had lunch with friends who surprised me by taking turns telling me things they liked about me (unnecessary, but kind of nice), dinner with my family, and presents included some chocolate from a specialty chocolate shop in San Francisco as well as a much needed washer and dryer pair. Yes, I'm old enough to be excited about appliances for my birthday. Let's face it--jewelry is pretty, but it can't get your family's clothes clean! Hahaha.  On my actual birthday, I went over to my friend, Nora's, house to meet her 4th baby, Thomas.  What a cutie. Thomas is my new baby friend.  I'm finally old enough and in that in-between stage where I like to hold babies because I miss it.  It reminds me how grown-up my daughters are. Time going to fast and all. Thanks to everyone who made this an extra special birthday.

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