Friday, September 11, 2015

Time Flying

Photo by Shahzaib Akber

This blog has been a little quiet. I don't know where the time goes. I love blogging, but I'm not creating time for it. Our 2014 blog book just arrived, and that was a feat to complete. Just trying to get six months of posts updated and then fight with getting it all on Blog 2 Print took another month. My intentions were to keep going.  Photos for January are on my desktop.  I'm now eight months behind. I used to be so good at this, what happened?

I think the energy needed for anything we do over a period of time ebbs and flows.  There are times I am so productive and times I'm not. Lots of times we're simply keeping afloat and trying to live and cherish every moment which has been the case this summer.  The pictures and thoughts are all there, but they need to get transferred to the blog.

Heather's illness last year and the constant struggle to keep her at school once she returned in October is something I don't take into consideration.  Life gets busy, is unpredictable, and sometimes it doesn't afford us all the time we need to do all the good things we want to do.  We choose what we do with our time and hope we've chosen well.

Here is my attempt at jumping back in. This cute tiger on the ice block is the perfect picture for how we are feeling this past week or so.  Ninety degree temperatures and 50% humidity is getting old. Our homes are sweltering because, you know, you don't need air conditioning where we live. The ocean breeze keeps us cool most of the year.  There are always those two or three weeks we swear we're getting air put in for next year, but then we forget.  It seems to be worse right now in my ninety degree house with no breeze.  I tell you I can feel the air it is so sticky.

Our dear neighbor has invited us swimming most every day this week, and she has been an answer to our teenagers' prayers.  We'll head over again tomorrow for some family cooling time in the pool.
I hope you are staying cool if you are living where there is a heatwave, especially if you don't have air conditioning.

Today is also 9/11.  There have been images on social media today in memory of those who died, and Heather had to watch a video in her history class this morning.  She had to put her earbuds in and look down at her phone. Several other students had to do the same. The video was rated 18+, so she was getting the raw material.  Neither she nor I need to see the footage again--the bodies falling from the buildings, the terror in the voices of the people filming the events on their phones, the horrifying images of destruction--to remember. Our hearts and tears are there at the mere mention of the date. We will never forget.

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