Our church puts on a large Broadway-style production every three years. These are huge events that include people from our entire Stake, other Stakes and the community. The directors are professionals who happen to live in the area, so we get to glean from their expertise. We audition and are cast in a variety of numbers based on the theme of the show. This year's theme is a Broadway and pop review with the title, Curtain Up! I am normally the director's assistant, a dancer and choreographer. This show will find most of us with not too much on our plate in comparison to shows past. I have one number to choreograph and dance in ("Supercalifragilistic" from the Broadway Mary Poppins), and the rest is vocal. It will be my first time singing in one of our shows. "What will I be singing you ask?" Let me show you a little picture for illustration...

Dancing Queen
When I went to call-backs, I never imagined I'd be asked to take a lead roll in anything. The girls there were so uber-talented. I believe I got my part based on my 'performance' talent. So here we go. I will ham my socks off and try to give it a good vocal showing as well. It is really fun to have the directors' faith in me. I laughed thinking about all the times my mom told me I was making a fool of myself growing up. I guess it will come in handy!
Kelly is going to run the sound for the show, so no performing for him. The girls are excited about their numbers. They'll be doing "True Love's Kiss" from Enchanted, singing with a Giselle and other little girls their age. They'll also be involved in a combo of "Move It Move It" and "The Lion Sleeps Tonight". Heather gets to do a special number for 10 - 13 year olds which is the "Hoedown Throwdown". It's Hannah Montana heaven for those kids.
Somewhere in mid November I'll have pictures of us in costume. It should be quite amusing.
Roadshow? I remember doing those as a kid.
I am so excited for you!!! I just love momma mia!!
I am excited to be dancing, but lucky for everyone else, i will not be singing....
you are going to do great....
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