Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Look Up

"Look Up" is the title of an article in the January issue of our church magazine, and I love it. The author discusses the difference between looking up to see how Heavenly Father sees us and looking sideways to see how others see us. I am so guilty of comparing even though I know it's a lethal pastime. Constant comparison causes such damage to our self-worth, and I totally know better. I guess it's one of the tendencies of the natural man that we need to work to overcome. I'm going to try this reminder on for size as I worry about what I'm not getting accomplished. Stopping to remind myself to look up could be just the ticket to steering myself back in the right direction. It will keep me from looking around and keep me focused on my own personal and spiritual progression.

Blogging is one area where I've recently read and heard many bloggers are discouraged. The focus on what one's blog should be when surrounded by the other beautiful, well-maintained blogs can be crazy making. It's a great example of the discouragement that happens when we look outward to define who we are or where we should be at a certain place in time. We need to know who we are and what we want to accomplish and move forward. Your blog is your own, and it should be what you want it to be. Our progression is also our own, and it should be compared to no one else's. That sounds easy, but it isn't; it takes constant nourishment to reassure and move forward. The blog example may seem silly, but I find it interesting that although I have a clearly defined purpose for my blog (family/personal journaling and publishing to book form), I have swooned at the other blogs with fantastically beautiful pictures, stunning home decor, highly talented authors and creators sharing pearls of wisdom on a range of topics, and much more. I have been guilty of peeking over sideways. We all do it. Homes, cars, furniture, talents, jobs, children, clothes, etc. Whatever or whomever it is you choose to compare to, stop it.

Stop looking around and start looking up.


Michelle said...

Love it! He is the only one we need care about what he thinks! Good reminder. And I like the pic you used.

shari berry bo-berry said...

SO TRUE! I have taken many breaks from the blog world because of that reason alone. I get so sick of seeing everyone else's beautiful and perfect lives and start feeling ugly/disorganized/bad mommy feelings and so i have to distance myself. i am much better at not comparing when it comes to blogs NOW...but a few years ago I was really bad. thanks for sharing!!!!!!!! i think "look up" is a great reminder!