Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Random December Items

Some random single items/events were photographed this month...

 Dec. 3 - After injuring my hand on someone's elbow at concert and trying to wrap it while it was very sore, I decided to get it x-rayed.  Not broken, but very bruised and will take time to heal.  Christmas decorating kind of took a back seat for a bit.

 Dec. 5 - Heather scores best White Elephant gift ever (Indiana Jones hat) and I discover white chocolate M&M's at Target (divine)

Dec. 6 - Jenna's annual cleaning at the dentist

Dec 7 & 8 - No scheduled appointments or activities which was quite blissful

Dec. 12 - The Youth Group carolers surprise Michelle, Trish, Shea and I at Corner Bakery where we were having our monthly Healthy Living group meeting

Dec. 14 - A very dark day in our country as 20 first graders and 6 teachers/administrators were massacred at an elementary school in Newton, Connecticut by a disturbed young adult with assault weapons; this picture brought me comfort as we shed tears for the sweet babies and their families

Dec. 15 - Kelly and Heather go to see The Hobbit

 Dec. 16 - Winston photographed in the backyard by Jenna

 Dec. 17 - Mom takes pity on Jenna and checks her out of school for Jamba Juice run.  Jenna has been suffering for days with sores in her mouth.  She was a happy girl who felt very loved that day.

 Dec. 19 - I finished the ornaments for Jenna's class made from old lightbulbs.  Love the silver Sharpie!

One random day - I put the ribbon on and hung the canvass that arrived just after Christmas last year.  The graphic was done by a gal that used to live in my ward (Marta Dansie), and it makes a charming addition to the Christmas decor.

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