Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday School

This is going to be a strange post, but bear with me. There will be a point.

During Sunday School today, we got arrived at the book of Isaiah. A friend of mine once shared that Isaiah was his favorite of all the books in the Old Testament. So nice for him, I thought. Every time I've ever tried to read Isaiah, my brain goes mushy. It could be because I am trying to read my scriptures too late at night when fatigue is already setting in. It could be that I once decided that I couldn't understand it, that I wasn't smart enough and that I may never get it. I have blocks like this over other subjects, for example, math.

So today I'm sitting in class and the thought occurs to me, "I have read Shakespeare and have been able to understand the text. I have read Jane Austen and laughed and cried with each story. I wonder if Isaiah could be another Shakespeare or Austen for me?" That strange thought translates thus:

Shakespeare and Austen were once enigmas. I did not understand any of the text. I didn't understand what others saw. But then I saw a live performance of Shakespeare and later read Austen with a more mature and patient brain, and I understood the brilliance. Perhaps if I were to give Isaiah the positive, determined attention that I have given these other authors I could actually overcome my barrier.

Okay, so I'm blonde. Or just simple, but it is the little lightbulb moments like these that seem to transform my thinking and hey, whatever works! Isaiah saw our time and spoke to our dispensation. I want to understand, and I've already learned that I can overcome mental barriers in my learning. I believe this can be done. I'll keep ya posted.

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