Monday, November 8, 2010

Let Me Count The Ways...

Gratitude and Thanksgiving are the theme this month. I posted this comment on a blog this morning in answer to the question, "What are you thankful for today, right this minute?" and thought I would share...

If I had to pick one thing, right now, it would be time. Not as you or I know it, but the way the Lord sees it. I am 43 years old and still discovering things that I need to change about myself, things that another person may find easy or in the realm of common sense. I am grateful that we have a merciful Father in Heaven who gives us the time we individually need to become our best selves. Every time I learn something and incorporate it into my life, I'm grateful that He didn't give up on me and gave me time to "get it."

What are you thankful for today?


Jenny said...

I was just thinking about that yesterday at church! It has taken me so long to implement some gospel habits in my life and it'll take many more to do the millions of more things I should be doing so I'm so grateful that the Lord lets us grow at our own pace and reminds us over and over and over again patiently. It also reminds me that I need to be patient with everyone else too.

kjramstack said...

I'm thankful that you recommended the book "The Proper Care & Feeding of A Husband" awhile back on the "BLOOM" blog. I was having a difficult time adjusting to married life (we wed on Aug. 28th of this year) but I picked up that book and my life (and consequently my husband's life) changed so much for the better. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for that blog comment on Bloom that led me toward the book that made things better. I am so very grateful and will be giving that book at future wedding showers. Merry Christmas!