Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thoughtful Thursday...

I recently read an article in Real Simple Magazine highlighting the author, Jonah Lehrer, and his book, How We Decide.  He worked in a neuroscience lab before becoming a science writer.  This is the first of some snippets that I'll share on 'Thoughtful Thursdays'.  Enjoy.

"Tap your emotions.  Our conscious thoughts are only a fraction of what's going on in our brains.  At any given moment, the unconscious is taking in vast amounts of information that we're not even aware of and processing it all very quickly.  Based on its conclusions, the brain generates emotions.  So don't disregard that subtle feeling telling you to avoid the salmon special.  Your personal supercomputer is trying to tell you something." 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I must just say I adore Real Simple magazine, it is one of my favourites! It's a cool idea as well, not that I'd ever by salmon anyway.