Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Wednesday Wisdom

Here is what I found this morning.  Profound meaning for me appears to equal sharing with my friends.  Hope you don't mind.  

I am going to type the statement as it was written.  The article's subject matter deals with our obligation to share the Gospel of peace with the world, and how the world currently lacks the foundation to achieve peace.  It's a great article that I'm still reading, but this analogy jumped off the page for me for other reasons.  So please feel free to do what I did and ponder; feel free to substitute the word "peace" for anything that applies to your situation, i.e., "a good marriage", "weight loss", "stronger relationships with children or family member", "deeper spirituality", "more ability to achieve ____"... whatever it is that you would like to improve in your life.  I'd love to hear what you think.

"It is a curious commentary on human nature that men who cry for peace look upon peace as something that my be picked as an apple from a tree, something that lies about within easy reach of humanity.  If I pick an apple from a tree, I have first planted the tree, cared for it, watered it, brought it to maturity.  Then in due time I may have the fruit."

~ Elder John A. Widtsoe, 1872-1952, Ensign April 2009 issue

1 comment:

yogagurl said...

Wednesday Wisdom.
I like that!

I may have to copy you. In example and otherwise. Really. You are a wonderful inspiration to me. I appreciate your ability to lift me. To encourage me. And share your love of the Gospel with me.

And peace to you...