Thursday, June 9, 2011

Utah Part 3 - Thursday

Thursday 6/2 deserves it's own part in the Utah blog story simply because we packed so much in on that day. Michelle to the kids to the Lehi bakery in the morning, the highlight of which was The Foot (pictured below).
The Adult Choir and Orchestra had a sound check and placement in the Tabernacle this morning. After that, we had free time. Woot!

We spent our free time taking a quick walk around Temple Square (we so need more time to do this!) taking in the temple that took 40 years to build, and the original Assembly Hall.

Then we were off to Heritage Park and the "This Is The Place Monument." For those who don't know, when Brigham Young brought the Saints across the plains, the journey ended here where he stood at the top of the Salt Lake Valley and declared it the place for their new settlement. The kids were able to enjoy a train ride, panning for gold, and a couple of village experiences such as school and fun time on the farm.

If you are not familiar with Heritage Park, the "Garden Season" goes clear till the first week of June. After that, more of the village is open. We didn't know this, however, we were still able to do some exploring and make plans to return when there were more fun pioneer-age activities.

On the way home, we had dinner at In-N-Out in Draper, and stopped by the Sweet Tooth Fairy. Yummy, yummy cupcakes people. A must-visit if you are in the neighborhood.

The kids returned to Lehi to hang out and Trish and I met at the Mormon Tab choir rehearsal.
It was fun to watch Mac Wilberg in action and hear the choir.


shari berry bo-berry said...

first of all, LOVE the pic in your header! That is AWESOME!

i've enjoyed reading about all of your adventures and love the pics too! I've never been to (or taken my kids to) Heritage park before...we are definitely going to have to do that when we come up in July!

Michelle Blair said...

We had so much fun. I'm so glad I got to hang out with the girls and do fun stuff. I'll admit I ate the foot too. Your performance was awesome and a great experience to see! We'll come visit in Cali so we can hang out.