Friday, March 29, 2013

Building for Real

Our daughters LOVE MineCraft.  It is all the rage, and I have to say that the concept is great.  The kids can uses resources available to build houses and farms, and raise farm animals and crops.  They can mine for minerals and gems as well, and the whole thing is very creative.  We laughed when we first saw it because the graphics are so 80's pixel style.  But they love it.  The downside is that they can spend hours, and hours, and hours on this computer game.  On Friday, a non-school day for us, Heather and Jenna had spent a few hours playing on MineCraft when suddenly Jenna came and asked for the Lincoln Logs and blocks.  She and Heather got them out and started building.  Building for real is right up Kelly's inner-boy alley, and he joined in.  The fun continued later in the evening when Sarah came to spend the night.  She and Jenna built a log cabin and block tower together, and then had fun destroying the tower.  Even when the computer games are educational and have a great concept, I still get a much better feeling when the girls are engaged in play away from the computer.  I have to attribute that good feeling to the Spirit helping me discern between what is good and what is better/best.  I'm so glad my girls were the initiators today.  I hope they have the same feelings and continue to choose this kind of creative play on their own, or at least balance it with the computer play.

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