Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Catalina Pictures

My plan was to post the adventures of Jenna and mom while Heather was away, but Jenna ended up not feeling well Monday night and was home sick from school the rest of the week.  Bummer.

Heather arrived home safely on Wednesday afternoon.  It was fun to pick her up and hear about all the fun.  Heather's besties were all there, and she roomed with two of them.  Those two (Madi and MacKenzie) were in her group, and they had a blast together.  Heather's firsts included sea sickness (on the way over), and snorkeling.  There was an astronomy hike, a rigorous hike and two early morning sunrise hikes (5:30AM!).  The food was fabulous, her group leader/mom was fabulous (thanks Jodi!), and the entire experience was one of the best of her life.  We're so glad she had such a great time.

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