Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Can You Replace Friendship?

NO. Please read on...

As I dropped what I was doing and drove over to a friend's house today, I could not figure out what was wrong with me. I have been so sad. I believe melancholy is the term that describes it. I don't know what the reasons are. I counted my blessings while driving and knew I would sound spoiled if I talked about my no-name sadness. Something was pulling me to this friend's house. When I got to the driveway, I was almost teary. I wondered what was up? I instantly figured it out.

I MISS MY FRIENDS. I am a deep thinking, mull it over, sisterly connection kinda gal, and I have been deprived of my friend time. For various reasons, some of my confidants have become extremely busy with life. I am kinda busy myself, and since we're all kinda tied up, there is a void.

Can I replace these friendships with other activities? I didn't realize I had been trying, but I have. My little audio books have been helping me breeze through my chores, and I've turned to those instead of phone calls because I know what my friends are up to and figure a chatty call isn't what they would necessarily need. As of today, the answer to the replacement question is no. Friends cannot be replaced. My Jane Austen novels could care less what I'm thinking and feeling.

What is to be done? I can't believe how sad I am. Girls, we need a plan. Soon.

Love you.

p.s. For my family and friends who live in my computer, I love you all very much too! xoxo


Michelle Blair said...

Love you too! You can call me anytime. I'm usually by myself. But I don't have any friends.

Hillary said...

Yes, you can call me anytime too! I'm usually talking baby talk with Ethan, who isn't that fun to talk to hours on end.

I know I'm a new friend to you... but I still would love to sit and chat. Seriously. Sadness is no fun. I also yearn for that deep down "talky" relationships with friends. Girl friends who aren't my family to be exact. But that's just me. And wouldn't you know... I usually only talk to Heather or my Mom. I'm a recluse, and would love to be freed. Maybe instead of waiting to be freed, I'll get off my bum and free you. Ha! Or try at least.

shari berry bo-berry said...

ooh....ooooooooh. i am a bad friend.

i could tell something was "off" when is saw you at book club...but didn't say anything.

I am so sorry to hear you are sad! and lonely!!!

see you saturday night!

Sheryl Mosher said...

I miss you too, my friend. We just need to plan more regular activities like outings for hot cocoa and book store runs and projects involving hot glue guns and Twilight. Wait, that sounds weird, right? Perhaps all those elements don't have to be at the same time. Or, maybe they should be? xoxo