So enough about that, let's talk about me (just kidding, but I love that line). I have the blahs. I've had them for awhile. Where does that come from? Do you all of the sudden turn 40-something and go downhill? Is that what happened? I didn't think "over the hill" happened until later, so if I'm not at the top of the hill, why the descent?
There is so much to be done in my house and in my life. I need my energy back. I have been able to make myself do some things, but it's akin to walking through mud. We have depression in the family history, and some procrastination tendencies, and I've seen snippets of these manifest in me. I just can't figure out why the steady stream at this point, nor do I know how to get out of it.
Hopefully I can post again in the near future and have some progress made in this area. It would have been more fun to have had a post here about a great new recipe or some innovative organizing trick, but it is what it is today. Here's hoping that tomorrow is a bit better in the energy department.
i've been in a "blah" state for about the past 2 years...walking through mud is exactly how it feels! i have wondered many times if 2008 was my 1 and ONLY wonderful year...and yearn to get back to the woman/mom/wife I was then... knowing I was happy and content then, gives me hope that i can get back there again! hang in there!!! sometimes just recognizing you're in a funk is the first step to telling that funkiness to GO AWAY! :) you can do it!
You can do it! Mind over matter. I know those sound good, but don't always work. Just take baby steps. Love you!
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