Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine Parties

Jenna's class had their party first, and they made some beautiful Valentines for special people.  It was fun to be with her during the party.
Here, one of the moms, and our good friend, helps Jenna with the glitter on her Valentine.

Heather was so excited about her creation.  Unfortunately, the voting became a contest of popularity and voting for friends.  Heather was pretty upset by this because she wanted to win.  I felt so bad for her because she really thought she had a great chance, and she would have, if the contest had been fairly run.  I was really proud of her for trying, and she finally remembered how the contest went last year and saw the folly of this one.  It was a good lesson learned in fairness and honesty.
Here she is making her cookie.
She loved the sprinkles and ate it right away.


~yoga~ said...

She wins hands DOWN!!!
That is hippie van heaven.
I lurve it!!!

That is simply wonderful.
What vision. Yeah, me and creative are like cranky old sisters, LOL!

Angie Haas said...

As parents we want to rescue our children from painful events such as these. But good for you Melissa for looking at it as a lesson in honesty and fairness. Our sweet chidlren perservere and are so resilient to these "yucky" events in their lives. Thank God she has such a great mommy and daddy!