Monday, February 15, 2010

Heather's Valentine's Day Party

Sweet Heather asked me a couple of weeks ago if she could have a sleep over for Valentine's Day. She had no idea what our family's schedule was like the first weeks of February, but it was so hard to say no. She wanted to invite her friends that she hangs out with plus some other girls so she could "get to know them better." It was so cute. Long story short, we compromised and invited the friends over for a Valentine's Day party on Monday, February 15. They were all off from school, so we held the party from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Each of the girls seemed to have a great time, and they all said said an emphatic, "Thank you!" when they left.

We had some snacks, dessert and had a party bucket for the attendees.

The girls played Whiz Kid while they waited for everyone to arrive.

There was a round of Apples To Apples, Jr.

An indoor game of "Hot Heart" (Hot Potato w/ a heart shaped pillow) was followed by an outdoor game of musical chairs.

The girls also played "Who's Got The Button" and some games of ball tag outside. They moved seamlessly from game to game, and all the girls were great sports. It was a successful party, and we were so glad to be able to make this happen for Heather and her friends.

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