Thursday, February 4, 2010


This picture is so great. I Googled "volunteering" to see if there were any great images I could use for my otherwise boring post, and here was this great image. So now my boring post is a little more fun thanks to the person that captured this heavenly snapshot.

I am up to my eyeballs in volunteer work this week. I was getting a little frazzled and needed some organization. I bought some really cute file folders to make my little jobs more special (I'm a sucker for cute stuff), and then I labeled them with my label maker. Gotta love the label maker. You might think me the over-volunteer, but I think I'm okay. Except for it's been a really busy two weeks. When it rains, it pours.

Hopefully tomorrow, I will have some new blog items to post. It's Jenna's birthday and we have fun things planned.


Michelle Blair said...

Love that picture. You are soooo good and volunteering and helping out. I need to be more like you!

Jennifer said...

Hi Melissa--you left a comment on my blog the other day and I just wanted to say thanks and check out your blog--it is so fun and pretty to look at--what a great picture of your girls for a header! What is the recipe project you're doing? You make me feel quite small with all of your volunteering. :)

I'm with you on the Oprah thing--she's really not that bad, just an easy target to poke fun at, and I absolutely agree with you on the "Favorite Things" episode--gag! I love it when they do fashion episodes to, with supposedly "affordable" clothes for us normal people. $200 shoes are affordable? What world do these people live in?
(not mine.)

Looking forward to reading you more in the future!