Friday, January 1, 2010

In A Word...

Well here we are. A new year. I normally have that Spring Cleaning feeling right after Christmas. I think it has something to do with the amount of Christmas-related clutter that starts to take over the house. When the tree comes down and all the decorations go back, the house gets a good cleaning that often includes some clean-out so that newly acquired items will have a home.

The new year is traditionally a time for resolutions. I've never been a fan of New Year's resolutions. I figure if you have a big problem to work on or a goal you want to accomplish, you don't have to wait for a new year to get started.

As I reviewed events for 2009, I noticed that I had grasped a concept that has become a mantra so-to-speak these last few months. It is the concept of "choosing the better part." I have become better at deciding which events and activities will have more long-reaching importance in my life or the life of my children. I have found so much peace. I still hate it when my house is dirty, but I'm not as stressed about it.

Having this phrase to focus on has helped in many areas, and I will keep this in mind as I go through the year. I've also decided to choose a word this year that will be a "theme" to help me focus on many goals that I have. I was reading a post on a blog I follow (see column to the right, "Bloom") and discovered a word that really fit.


I like it. Mindful means simply to be conscious or aware of something. I need to be mindful of many things: my weight, my children, my marriage, my friends, my home, my faith... There are so many goals I have. I believe that being aware and cognizant of them may help rather than what I usually do which consists of becoming so wrapped up in the pace of life that I forget what is important.

We'll see how it goes.

If you were to choose a word that would be your overall theme for the year, what would it be?

1 comment:

Michelle Blair said...

I'm so happy to have a real computer and internet back. You have to pace yourself and remember that your girls will be gone one day and the clutter will still be there, so spend time with what is important.