Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Little Things

There are little things that happen each day that bring me joy.

My girls have a Daddy who will stop and play with them. Daddy really does built the best marble runs.

Jenna in a silly mood is such a hoot.

Sweet Heather. She was out in the living room doing her homework while Daddy and Jenna played. This girl works so hard. Last night at the dinner table she said, "I'm not really good at anything." (a thought that occurred to her at school that day). I proceeded to tell her that she was the best at a lot of things--No body smiles the way she does; no body laughs like she does; no body has the super fun energy she does; no body is as sweet and kind as she is; no body is as good a friend as she is; no body had the beautiful eyes that she does. These were a few of the things we said. She was grinning from ear to ear. She is going to be a fabulous girl her entire life. This is only the beginning. I can't wait to see her soar.


Michelle Blair said...

Kelly is still a kid inside. Tell Heather she is the best 10 year old niece I have. We love her to death. I look forward to seeing her big grin and funny laugh.

Hillary said...

oh how fun. What a great little family you have! My sister was saying the other day that she wanted to "find the beautiful" in every day. Doesn't it make you feel better when you can see the happy moments even if they're small? So Cool.

shari berry bo-berry said...

tears! Kids really do need to hear how wonderful they are...ALL the time! We know how good it makes US feel...and I think as parents some times we assume that our kids know how great we think they are already...but those little reminders can do wonders!

good to see you last night!

Kathy Busby said...

Heather is the best fun friend ever. She makes everything a party. She is creative at thinking of Halloween costumes. She is smart and reads better than any 10 year old I know. She is the perfect girl to be with all those boys at church!!! They are so lucky. She is the only girl that Luke enjoys playing with! I'm so glad I know Heather Peterson.