Friday, January 2, 2009

Healthy Living Challenge

Beginning January 5, 2009, I will be participating in a Healthy Living Challenge with 28 women I have met through TwilightMoms (16 who I have actually met and hung out with!).  They are all wonderful, beautiful women who have one goal--to be healthy in 2009.  It's time for me too.  I need to get back on track, and I've been off for over a year now.  I'm ready!

I mentioned to some friends and family that I would post the challenge points/guidelines here. This is a brief description of the points (if you want more detailed explanation, email me).  Take a look at them and see if they would work for you.  You just need one other person, a goal and some determination.  Our challenge has been set for a six-week run.  I have set a 9 points per day goal knowing that I won't be doing the highest intensity workout every day.  Here we go!

Points - 12 points possible per day

1  Reporting/Accountability point just for reporting your points each day
1  Water - 8 8oz cups or more per day
1  Supplements - take a good multivitamin
1  No Skipping meals or snacks.  You need to be eating every 2 - 3 hours.
1  Whole Grains - no white flour, pasta, rice, etc.
1  No Sugar/Junk Food - No white or refined sugars; grams of sugar should be less than 5
1  3-Hour Rule - Don't eat anything three hours prior to going to bed.  
1  Counting Calories - Count calories to maintain portion control; keep a food journal

Workout Points - up to 4 per day
1 = Low Intensity (walking) for 30 minutes 
1 = Moderate Intensity (jogging) for 20 minutes
2 = High Intensity (running) for 15 minutes 


Kathy Habel said...

Yeah Melissa! I took my "before" pictures today :-0... some definate motivation for me!

Michelle Blair said...

Yay for you! I'm going to try to be good this year(again) and loose my 20 lbs I gained. Maybe we should go on an exotic trip when we reach our goal!

Melissa said...

Ooooh. Like just you and me? I wonder if we could do Martha's Vineyard? Actually, just a weekend away would be fun. Maybe we could jet to Utah and do some shopping?