Saturday, January 24, 2009

Sensational Saturday

"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm."
~Ralph Waldo Emmerson

Today started with a very successful breakfast and information meeting for our Primary kids who are turning 8 this year.  It's hard to get momentum going for Saturday projects when you can't start early in the morning.  I didn't know where the day would take me, but when Kelly decided to take the girls to Disneyland for several hours, I put the time to good use.  I have been excited to do what I can each day to make the most of the Healthy Living Challenge, so I decided to throw myself into getting things done that I might not have found time for if the family were home today...I wonder what the neighbors thought when they watched me rollerblade by several times (I loop my neighborhood twice which is 2 1/2 miles) and then after a short break, saw me doing the same loop, but walking?  They probably thought I was a little hyper, but the enthusiasm helped me get the job done!   I was able to shop for the groceries we needed to keep up healthy eating throughout the week, get all 4 exercise points and get in some good vocal practice.  In the area of accomplishing things that normally get pushed to the back burner, it was a pretty sensational day!  

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